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Our Volunteer Board

Every month a team of parent volunteers meet for an evening to run our playschool.  This is easily the most hands-on connection a parent will ever have to their child's education!

2024-2025 Board Members

President - Preeti Kaur 
(handles all permits and grant applications) 


Vice President - Melissa Little 
(coordinates registration process) 


Treasurer - Amanda Achal 
(manages our finances, oversees class waitlists) 


Volunteer Coordinator - Savannah Reid 
(coordinates parent volunteers, both in the classroom and out)


Special Events Coordinator - Lyndsey Norgaard
(coordinates classroom guests program and special events) 


Communications & Privacy Officer - Tonya Dreger 
(coordinates school's publicity, advertising and external communications) 


Secretary - 
(takes notes and manages meetings, coordinates newsletter and communication to families) 


Past Parent - Vacant
(previously a Board member, steps into Board positions when vacant, brings historic perspective to Board) 


Interested in joining our board?  Let us know!

Emergency: 403 273 9208   |   Email:  |  201 West Chestermere Dr. Chestermere, AB, T1X1B2


Thank you for your submission. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.

If your child will be late or absent from class please call 403-273-9208 and leave a message.  This line is only for enrolled families for attendance and emergencies - if you would like to contact us for any other reason please use the above form for the fastest response.

©  Chestermere Community Playschool,  Chestermere, Alberta, Canada

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